After so many years of battles, for the survival of our people, the process of properties annulment, not legally given by Bahia government to the farmers settled down in our lands, now completes 24 years.
In process slowly, during all this time.
The Federal Constitution of this Country ,our major law, gives us, indigenous people ,the exclusive right to the use and to the occupation of our traditional lands.
This lands, that we reinstate, are already recognized as traditional lands of the brazilian indigenous.

Some decades ago ,the organ of Indian Protection, started to rent our lands to farmers, and this was the beginning of our great loss.
The farmers of cacao and cattle that occupied them, had used to advantage the politician moment which was favorable for them.
This happened during the military dictatorship. They torn the contracts that hindered them to take our lands, and they had been also protected by the government of Bahia. With the related land headings.

However, this government does not have the power to give aboriginal lands to anyone, and that is the reason why the landing headings are null, for vice of jurisprudence.

Much more important than this ,our Federal Constitution, recognizes our rights over our Traditional lands, as inalienable .

We have being expropriated of our rights as people, since the arrival of the colonizers in our lands, and till today we need the endorsement of justice, so that let us guarantee our rights, that are already constitutional.

But , justice seems not to share and nor to understand our urgency in deciding this situation.
The delay of the judgment of our process , is forcing us to risk our lives ,because we cannot seat down waiting for death, on account of having no access to a land, that is already our land, by right.

So, we are obliged to try the retaken of our traditional lands, and to risk our lives.
For account of this, 16 leaders have already been assassinated, because the farmers generally refuse themselves to make a deal with FUNAI , and appeal to violence when facing us.

What we are doing, when trying to recover our lands, is a duty not fulfilled by the BRAZILIAN STATE,, therefore our Constitution also says that it competes to the Union, demarcating them and protecting them.
But unfortunately, what we are facing recently ,is a retrocession in our conquests, with the unfavorable thresholds to we, aboriginals.
We do not like to display our lives, facing risk situations.
If we do it, is for being living so much difficulties, abandoned for the state.
But, what we really want, is that peacefully ,they bring back our traditional lands.
But we know that it will not be possible ,if our case is not judged by the STF, Superior Tribunal Federal
And that is why our process is not ready yet ,and because we cannot loose lives anymore, that we are asking you, , all of you, that understand us, and that join our problem and our suffering…….
We need your help ,help us, by including your name in our list, to ask STF the priority and urgency of our process.

Nailton Muniz Pataxo – Chief
Akanawã Pataxo Hãhãhãe – Chief
Yaranawy Pataxo Hãhãhãe – Lider
Maya Pataxo Hãhãhãe – Lider

– THYDEWAS (Brasil)–
– Centre d’Information Inter Peuples (CIIP)à Grenoble(França)
– Maison des Droits de l’Homme de Limoges (MDH)(França)
– Rencontres avec le Tiers Monde (RTM) à Draguignan (França)
– Réseau des Lieux Associatifs de Création et de Solidarité (RELACS)
– UNESCO (Brasil)
– BrazilFoundation
– Movimento Negro Unificado (BA) (Brasil)
– Prefeitura de Camacan
– Prefeitura de Pau Brasil
– GRUTA, Grupo de Trabalhos Ambientais (Brasil)
– Unidos do Morro de Pau Brasil (Brasil)



Pataxo Hahahae and LULA

Brazil’s Constitution